Taiane Linhares is a Brazilian artist based in Berlin working on the topics of ecology, technology, and decoloniality. Her artistic work explores the limits of systems of racialization, modern biology taxonomy, and artificial intelligence. In the short film “Mixed Race” (Parda, 2019) she investigates racial discourses in Brazil, in a narrative that combines elements of factual documentary making and fiction, thereby challenging genre conventions. In 2021, she released the creative coding project “named after Men”, a database of plants named after male botanists that sheds light on the patriarchal and colonial origins of scientific naming practices. Currently, she explores forms of knowledge creation with non-human entities using writing, painting, embroidering, and filmmaking as mediums.


2021, Digital Media & Technology, Bachelor of Sciences, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

2011, Media and Communication Studies, Master Degree, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2009, Communication Studies, Bachelor of Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


2023, The stories Coco de Macuco tells us, Voices Magazine, Link.

2023, Parda: of roots, curls and race – A Brazilian’s entangled journey to Black awareness in a whitewashed world, Futuress.org, Link.

2022, Named after Men – colonial exploitation and egocentric bragging at the roots of the botanical sciences, Futuress.org, Link.

Selected Exhibitions

2024, Plant Fever (group exhibition), Pillnitz Palace and Park, Dresden, Germany

2023, Pleasure Garden (group exhibition), Pillnitz Palace and Park, Dresden, Germany

2022, Blacknuss – technologies of joy, care and intimacy (group exhibition), Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany

2021, Soft Encounters (group exhibition), Floating University, Berlin, Germany


2019, Parda, director (Mixed Race, 29 min), Link.

2014, Tear, director (Loom, 15 min), Link.

Film Festival Screenings

2020, Baturu Cultural Festival, Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu, China

2020, Equis Film Festival, Quito, Ecuador

2020, Porto Femme, Porto, Portugal

2020, Panoramica, Stockholm, Sweden

2020, Berlin Feminist Film Festival, Berlin, Germany

2019, Cinemaíssi, Helsinki, Finland

2019, Mostra SESC, all over Brazil

Grants/ Residencies

2024, Becoming Plant – The New Weird Divine, Berlin Art Institute, Berlin, Germany

2023, Curating Change – Design Summer School, Pillnitz Palace and Park, Dresden, Germany

2021, Art Project Financing, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Germany

2019, Film Festival Participation Support, German Films, Germany

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